May 24Liked by Dana

Thank you Dana. Relationships over responsibilities is a mantra I need to remember. Your voice is one we all need. Blessings as you continue on your journey. 👍❤️

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Writing from your heart. Gut punches also domino to our heart. I'm so sorry. Remember to take care of yourself. Everytime I fly anywhere I am reminded to "place my own oxygen mask before assisting others."

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May 25Liked by Dana

Love this❤️

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One of my neighbors moved in during the height of Covid. Yikes! But I walked over to introduce myself when they were unpacking the U-Haul and we started chatting across the yards when they would sit outside. Turns out, smoking has unexpected advantages. When you can't have a cigarette in the house, you have to sit outside. When the neighbor lady drives up and sees you sitting outside, she stops to say 'Hi!" Not that I wish more people smoked, but I do wish more people sat outside on a summer evening. AND they close the back hatch door on my car ALL THE TIME because unloading groceries and ADD tend to make sure it stays open. Oh, and they've also been known to remind be that tomorrow is trash day so I don't forget to put out the cans. :) That said, I have no idea what's going on in the other four houses on our little section of the street.

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I attend a seminary that is very proud of the fact that it is a residential program. Having been at mixed program before I sometimes get frustrated with its triumphal “residential is better than online,” but its sense of community was one of the main reasons I chose to go there. My class has a strong bond. But before long, we’ll leave and be thrust into clergy life. I wonder how we’ll manage the transition

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May 24Liked by Dana

Dear Dana, I read your well written thoughts before any other emails on my list! As you know, we have recently moved into a 55+ Community in Lynchburg. They even have a Welcoming Committee! However, getting to know the folk who live closest to us, has been interesting. The widow whom we share a building with, I finally got to meet at a lunch last Friday! The neighbor whose front door looks at ours, is obviously still working! However, when I have seen her outside, I never get a wave or even an introduction.(?)

There is one woman in this Community who is super extroverted and walks her dog around our circle every day. She was the first person we met. I don't think that it is entirely that folk are unfriendly, but it is a New experience for us. When we moved to VA 16 years ago, the 2 young couples living on either side of us, made a point of getting to know us.

All of this is to say that living here has been a different experience. Since there is a published Directory of everyone who lives here, I don't think our neighbors would call the cops! But the lack of curiosity and friendliness has been surprising.

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May 24Liked by Dana


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